Friday, December 2, 2011

What is Tom Hardy's Fight in "Warrior?"

Ok. Ok. There you got me. Who would have thought I'd be crying my eyes out towards the end of the sports drama film "Warrior" by director Gavin O'ConnorTom Hardy as Tommy Riordan charging with a broken shoulder at his brother Brendan Conlon (played by Joel Edgerton) just about did it for me. WTF, UFC with a story to boot! :)

For all the high testosterone running in the film, the film surprisingly sets you up for an honest-to-goodness tearjerking moments towards the end. And it is unabashedly unapologetic for it. And one is definitely won over because of it. One's initial reaction to it would be, oh no, not another Rocky film. But no, this is definitely richer in story. If you are going to be conscious about crying openly watching it, it is best advised to watch this alone. 
Mark Isham's scoring for this hits the mark. And director O'Connor has definitely made this film, despite its drama, an ode to joy.

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